Are Online Business Courses Worth It?

Online business courses can open up a world of opportunities for people who are looking to advance in their careers while having the ability to multi-task. With online courses that cover every aspect of a business from accountancy to marketing, it’s easy to see why online business courses are an appealing option for so many people. But unfortunately, online business courses are consistently marred by the same question: are online business courses as good as the rest?

When online learning was still finding its feet, a massive number of “diploma mills” started popping up online. These diploma mills flooded the market with meaningless certifications, which put students and employers off these new degrees. That stigma partially remains in our minds to this day, but the reality is that online business courses can be reputable and worth your time. Some of the most renowned institutions around the world are starting to offer online business courses, and the reason behind that is their growing demand.

Believe it or not, nowadays a third of all students now take some kind of course online. Although their reasons to study online might vary, there are several benefits to learning from an online business course; this can be the increased flexibility or the lower costs. But the truth is, online business courses aren’t meant for everyone. Some students can’t learn without face to face interaction, because this crucial touch-point keeps them motivated.

To help you decide if an online business course is worth your time, here are some pros and cons of studying from an online business course.

Pros of Online Business Courses

1. You Can Learn on Your Desired Schedule

Online business courses offer the flexibility that you wouldn’t have if you’re studying on campus. This is particularly helpful for students who are looking to gain some extra knowledge while working a job but can’t find the time to take a class on-site. It can be tough to juggle between a full-time job and a class; even if you can find the time to reach your class on time – you won’t have the mental energy to focus.

Some people are aware of the time they can process information better, so they willingly schedule their online class at that time. It doesn’t matter if you’re an early riser or a night owl, you can log in at any time that suits you.

2. You Can Learn at Your Pace

It’s true that some students aren’t comfortable raising their hands in class to ask the teacher a question. For these students, studying an online business course is an attractive option. When you’re studying online, you’re practically studying alone in the comfort of your room or wherever you are. Because you’re online and alone, you feel much more confident to ask the teacher a question.

When you’re studying in a traditional classroom, and you can’t muster up the guts to ask the teacher a question, you might lag behind because of your confusion. You might have to wait for the whole lecture to end so you can ask your question, and who knows? Maybe that question was critical to the entire lecture, and before you know it, you just wasted a whole lecture. When you’re studying an online business course, you can pause the lecture to understand a particular topic better.

3. You Can Save Time and Money

While you can find many free online business courses, not every online business course has the same reputation. Another advantage of taking an online business course is that you can save money. When you’re studying online, you don’t have to bear hefty transportation costs. Apart from saving money, you can also save a lot of time when you’re studying online.

Because you don’t have to get up every morning to get dressed for a public gathering or to plan ahead for a busy hour on the road, you can spend that time exercising or doing something productive. When you’re studying online, you also don’t have to pay for the books or the course material because everything can be found online, and that too can help you cut down costs. You also don’t have to worry about being marked absent, because online classes don’t have strict attendance policies.

Cons of Online Business Courses

1. You Might Have Limited Interaction with Faculty

Depending on the type of online business courses you choose, the one drawback of online business courses is the limited interaction you’ll have with your faculty. Sure, you can email your faculty online or have a personal video chat with them, but at times – this doesn’t suffice. At times you need you need face to face interaction to understand a concept better.

Sure your friend can help, but there always remains a doubt on whether what you’ve understood is what the teacher meant to say. So if you desire face to face interaction to extensively understand the lesson being taught, we wouldn’t recommend you online business courses.

2. You’ll Have to Do Your Research

Believe it or not, there are more than 11,400 free online courses.It might seem simple to pick one, but you shouldn’t take this decision lightly. When you’re looking for online learning options, you need to keep in mind that there are many factors employers will consider when they find out you acquired your degree online.

Like a traditional degree, it matters if you acquired your degree from a reputable institution. Most of the time, if you’ve obtained your degree from a reputable institution, the employer won’t even ask you to mention how you acquired your degree – but the same can’t be said for every institution. Another factor employers consider before offering anyone a job is the type of accreditation the student’s degree has.

While there are many accreditations that a degree can have, the most sought after accreditation is regional accreditation. Another factor that matters to some students is the type of learning experience that online course has. Some online business courses offer a hybrid learning experience, which makes it compulsory for the student to attend a certain number of classes on-campus.